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A device that connects two or more physical networks and forwards packets between them. Bridges can usually be made to filter packets, that is, to forward only certain traffic. A network device used to connect networks with different speeds, cable types, or topologies that still use the same protocol. A bridge is a layer 2 device.
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Highspeed switch that forwards packets between datalink segments. Most LAN switches forward traffic based on MAC addresses. This variety of LAN switch is sometimes called a frame switch. LAN switches are often categorized according to the method they use to forward traffic: cutthrough packet switching or storeandforward packet switching. Multilayer switches are an intelligent subset of LAN switches. Compare with multilayer switch. See also cutthrough packet switching, storeandforward packet switching.
A device that forms a barrier between a secure and an open environment. Usually the open environment is considered hostile. The most notable open system s the Internet. A network device used to filter traffic. A firewall is typically deployed between a private network and a link to the Internet, but it can be deployed between departments within an organization. Firewalls filter traffic based on a defined set of rules. System designed to defend against unauthorized access to or from a private network.
A network communications process that protects the contents of protocol packets by encapsulating them in packets of another protocol. Technology enabling one network to send its data via another network’s connections. Tunneling works by encapsulating a network protocol within packets carried by the second network. The use of authentication and encryption to set up virtual private networks (VPNs).
A communication medium that supports multiple communication signals simultaneously. Characteristic of any network that multiplexes multiple, independent network carriers onto a single cable. Broadband technology allows several networks to coexist on one single cable; traffic from one network does not interfere with traffic from another because the conversations happen on different frequencies in the “ether,” rather like the commercial radio system.
(1) A system responsible for making decisions about which of several paths network (or Internet) traffic will follow. To do this, it uses aA network device used to control traffic flow on networks. Routers are often used to connect similar networks together and control traffic flow between them. They can function using statically defined routing tables or employ a dynamic routing system.
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