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(1) Discretionary access control. (2) Dual attached concentrator. Discretionary Access Control

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A means of restricting access to objects based on the identity of subjects and groups to which they belong. The controls are discretionary in the sense that a subject with certain access permission is capable of passing that permission on to another subject. Means of restricting access to objects based on the (DAC) identity and needtoknow of users and/or groups to which the object belongs. Controls are discretionary in the sense that a subject with a certain access permission is capable of passing that permission (directly or indirectly) to any other subject. (. See mandatory access control. )
(1) A communications computer associated with a host computer can perform line control, message handling, code conversion, error control, and application functions. (2) A teleprocessing concentrator and router, as opposed to a backend processor or a database machine.
A computer that consolidates the signals from any slower speed transmission lines into a single, faster line or performs the reverse function. See repeater.
A device that propagates electrical signals from one cable to another without making routing decisions or providing packet filtering. In OSI terminology, a repeater is a physical layer intermediate system. See bridge, router. A network device used to amplify signals on network cabling to allow for longer distances between nodes. Also known as a concentrator or amplifier.
Property that states that the system uses an access control matrix to enforce discretionary access control.

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