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Integrity level

(1) A range of values of an item necessary to maintain system risks within acceptable limits. For items that perform IArelated mitigating functions, the property is the reliability with which the item must perform the mitigating function. For IAcritical items whose failure can lead to threat instantiation, the property is the limit on the frequency of that failure. (2) A range of values of a property of an item necessary to maintain risk exposure at or below its acceptability threshold.

Similar items:
Isolating IAcritical, IArelated, and nonIArelated functions and entities to prevent accidental or intentional interference, compromise, and corruption. Partitioning can be implemented in hardware or software. Software partitioning can be logical or physical. Partitioning is often referred to as separability in the security community.
A project to identify the threats that exist over key information and information technology. The threat analysis usually also defines the level of the threat and likelihood of that threat to materialize. Examination of information to identify the elements comprising a threat.
An implementation of an abstract data type. A definition of the data structures, methods, and interface of software objects. A template for the instantiation (creation) of software objects. In the context of object-oriented programming terminology and techniques, a collection of common methods from a set of objects that defines the behavior of those objects.
(1) A program whereby a laboratory demonstrates that something is operating under accepted standards to ensure quality assurance. (2) A management or administrative process of accepting a specific site installation/implementation for operational use based upon evaluations and certifications. (3) A formal declaration by a Designated Approving Authority (DAA) that the AIS is approved to operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards. Accreditation is the official management authorization for operation of an AIS and is based on the certification process as well as other management considerations. The accreditation statement affixes security responsibility with the DAA and shows that due care has been taken for security. (4) Formal declaration by a (DAA) that an information system is approved to operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards at an acceptable level of risk. Formal declaration by a Designated Accrediting Authority (DAA) that an information system is approved to operate at an acceptable level of risk, based on the implementation of an approved set of technical, managerial, and procedural safeguards. (. See security safeguards. )The formal declaration by the Designated Approving Authority (DAA) that an IT system is approved to operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards at an acceptable level of risk.
Possibility that a particular threat will adversely impact an information system by exploiting a particular vulnerability. The likelihood that any specific threat will exploit a specific vulnerability to cause harm to an asset. Risk is an assessment of probability, possibility, or chance. Risk = threat - vulnerability. The probability that a particular security threat will exploit a particular vulnerability.

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