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Asymmetric digital subscriber line. Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line

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A value that is used to encrypt or decrypt messages and is made public to any user and used with a private key in asymmetric cryptography. In an asymmetric cryptography scheme, the key that may be widely published to enable the operation of the scheme. Typically, a public key can be used to encrypt, but not decrypt, or to validate a signature, but not to sign.
A variable or random time interval between successive characters, blocks, operations, or events. Asynchronous data transmission provides variable intercharacter time but fixed interbit time within characters.
ATM is a highbandwidth, lowdelay switching and multiplexing technology. It is a datalink layer protocol. This means that it is a protocolindependent transport mechanism. ATM allows very highspeed data transfer rates at up to 155 Mbps. Data is transmitted in the form of 53byte units called cells. Each cell consists of a 5byte header and a 48byte payload. The term “asynchronous” in this context refers to the fact that cells from any one particular source need not be periodically spaced within the overall cell stream. That is, users are not assigned a set position in a recurring frame as is common in circuit switching. ATM can transport audio/video/data over the same connection at the same time and provide QoS (Quality of Service) for this transport.
Digital Subscriber LineDigital subscriber line.
A certificate identifying a public key to its subscriber, corresponding to a private key held by that subscriber. It is a unique code that typically is used to allow the authenticity and integrity of communication can be verified.

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