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Substitution Cipher

Cipher that uses an encryption algorithm to replace each character or bit of the plain-text message with a different character, such as a Caesar cipher.

Similar items:
A simple three-position shifting monoalphabetic substitution cipher employed by Julius Caesar.
Cipher that uses an encryption algorithm to rearrange the letters of a plain-text message to form the cipher-text message.
A block cipher that was developed in response to complaints about the insufficient key length of the DES algorithm. IDEA operates on 64-bit blocks of plain/cipher text, but it begins its operation with a 128-bit key.
Advanced Encryption StandardAdvanced Encryption Standard, a new encryption standard, whose development and selection was sponsored by NIST, that will support key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits. FIPS approved cryptographic algorithm that is a symmetric block cipher using cryptographic key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in blocks of 128 bits. The encryption standard selected in October 2000 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that is based on the Rijndael cipher.
A mode in which the DES algorithm is used to encrypt the preceding block of cipher text. This block is then XORed with the next block of plain text to produce the next block of cipher text.

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