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Wired communications

Media that transmit information over a closed connected path.

Similar items:
A wireless network configuration where the wireless access point acts as a connection point to link the wireless clients to the wired network.
Environment providing sufficient assurance that applications and equipment are protected against the introduction of malicious logic during an information system life cycle. Closed security is based upon a system’s developers, operators, and maintenance personnel having sufficient clearances, authorization, and configuration control.
A form of wireless access point deployment that is used to link two wired networks together over a wireless bridged connection.
A wireless network that uses a wireless access point to connect wireless clients together, but does not offer any access to a wired network.
A form of encrypted authentication that employs RC4. WEP supports only one-way authentication from client to WAP. WEP is considered insufficient for security because of several deficiencies in its design and implementation.

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