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System integrity

Attribute of an information system when it performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system. The attribute of an IS when it performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system.

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A channel that conveys information by altering the performance of a system component or modifying a resource’s timing in a predictable manner. A covert channel in which one process signals information to another by modulating its own use of system resources in such a way that this manipulation affects the real response time observed by the second process. Covert channel in which one process signals information to another process by modulating its own use of system resources (e. g. , central processing unit time) in such a way that this manipulation affects the real response time observed by the second process.
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Type of incident in which unauthorized access to data results from hardware or software failure. Unauthorized and usually inadvertent access to data resulting from a hardware, software, or firmware failure in the computer system.
A confinement technique in which an attribute called a domain is associated with each subject and another attribute called a type is associated with each object. A matrix specifies whether a particular mode of access to objects of a type is granted or denied to subjects in a domain.

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