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A coded program statement containing a logical or syntactical error.

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The certifier’s statement provides an overview of the security status of the system and brings together all of the information necessary for the DAA to make an informed, riskbased decision. The statement documents that the security controls are correctly implemented and effective in their application. The report also documents the security controls not implemented and provides corrective actions.
A test method of satisfying the criterion that each statement in a program be executed at least once during the program testing.
A statement of the certification authority’s practices with respect to a wide range of technical, business, and legal issues that can be used as a basis for the certification authorities contract with the entity to whom the certificate was issued.
A mode of transmission where information is coded in binary form for transmission on the network.
The specific activities within the systems development life cycle through which the software portion of the system is developed, coded, debugged, tested, and integrated with existing or new software.

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