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Distributed Data Model

In a distributed data model, data is stored in more than one database but remains logically connected. The user perceives the database as a single entity, even though it consists of numerous parts interconnected over a network. Each field may have numerous children as well as numerous parents. Thus, the data mapping relationship is many-to-many.

Similar items:
(1) An entity that can have many properties (either declarative, procedural, or both) associated with it. (2) An instance of a class. A passive entity that provides information or data to subjects. An object can be a file, a database, a computer, a program, a process, a file, a printer, a storage media, and so on. Passive entity containing or receiving information. Access to an object implies access to the information it contains.
The globally interconnected, endtoend set of information capabilities, associated processes and personnel for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. The GiG includes all owned and leased communications and computing systems, services, software (including applications), data, security services, and other associated services necessary to achieve Information Superiority. The globally interconnected, endtoend set of information capabilities, associated processes, and personnel for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to war fighters, policy makers, and support personnel. (DoD Directive 8100. 1, 19 Sept. 2002)
A set of values representing a specific entity belonging to a particular entity type. A single value is also the instance of a data item. An occurrence of an entity class that can be uniquely described. In object-oriented programming, an instance can be an object, example, or representation of a class.
Mechanism that facilitates the adjudication of different interconnected system security policies (e. g. , controlling the flow of information into or out of an interconnected system).
Data that is transferred to establish the claimed identity of an entity. Information, passed from one entity to another, used to establish the sending entity’s access rights.

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