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Data Diddling

Changing data with malicious intent before or during input to the system. The act of making small changes to data, typically malicious in intent.

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Malicious users intent on waging an attack against a person or system. Crackers may be motivated by greed, power, or recognition. Their actions can result in stolen property (data, ideas, and so on), disabled systems, compromised security, negative public opinion, loss of market share, reduced profitability, and lost productivity. The correct name for an individual who hacks into a networked computer system with malicious intentions. The term “hacker” is used interchangeably (although incorrectly) because of media hype of the word “hacker. ” A cracker explores and detects weak points in the security of a computer networked system and then exploits these weaknesses using specialized tools and techniques.
A person who attempts to break into computers that he or she is not authorized to use. Historically, a technology enthusiast who does not have malicious intent. Many authors and the media often use the term when they are actually discussing issues relating to crackers or criminal hackers. Unauthorized user who attempts to or gains access to an information system.
Software that is written with malicious intent to cause annoyance or damage.
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Designing software that detects anomalous control flow, data flow, or data values during execution and reacts in a predetermined and acceptable manner. The intent is to develop software that correctly accommodates design or operational shortcomings; for example, verifying a parameter or command through two diverse sources before acting upon it.

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