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Intersection relation

A relation the user creates to eliminate a manytomany relationship. Also called a composite relation.

Similar items:
The language mechanism that allows the definition of a class to include the attributes and methods for another more general class. Inheritance is an implementation construct for the specialization relation. The general class is the superclass and the specific class is the subclass in the inheritance relation. Inheritance is a relation between classes that enables the reuse of code and the definition of generalized interface to one or more subclasses.
A primary key from another table used to cross-link or express relationships between the contents of two tables. A primary key of one file (relation) that appears in another file (relation).
The number of attributes or columns of a relation.
The primary key fields from two intersecting relations.
A Department of State threat list intended to cover all localities operating under the authority of a chief of mission and staffed by directhire U. S. personnel. This list is developed in coordination with the intelligence community and issued semiannually by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

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