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Key fingerprint

The actual binary code of an encryption key, which is presented in hexadecimal notation.

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Where only two values or states are possible for a particular condition, such as “on” or “off” or “1” or “0. ” Binary is the way digital computers function because it represents data as on or off.
The number of binary digits, or bits, in an encryption algorithm’s key. Key length is sometimes used to measure the relative strength of the encryption algorithm.
Advanced Encryption StandardAdvanced Encryption Standard, a new encryption standard, whose development and selection was sponsored by NIST, that will support key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits. FIPS approved cryptographic algorithm that is a symmetric block cipher using cryptographic key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in blocks of 128 bits. The encryption standard selected in October 2000 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that is based on the Rijndael cipher.
A process used to check the integrity of a block of data. It provides an integrity check of the data before it is sent out into the wide area network. Its value depends on the hexadecimal value of the number of 1s in the data block. The transmitting device calculates the value and appends it to the data block; the receiving end makes a similar calculation and compares its results to the added character. If there is a difference, the recipient requests retransmission.
A number system with a base of 16.

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