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A type of security threat that occurs when an entity successfully pretends to be a different entity.

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A project to identify the threats that exist over key information and information technology. The threat analysis usually also defines the level of the threat and likelihood of that threat to materialize. Examination of information to identify the elements comprising a threat.
Possibility that a particular threat will adversely impact an information system by exploiting a particular vulnerability. The likelihood that any specific threat will exploit a specific vulnerability to cause harm to an asset. Risk is an assessment of probability, possibility, or chance. Risk = threat - vulnerability. The probability that a particular security threat will exploit a particular vulnerability.
A set of values representing a specific entity belonging to a particular entity type. A single value is also the instance of a data item. An occurrence of an entity class that can be uniquely described. In object-oriented programming, an instance can be an object, example, or representation of a class.
Data that is transferred to establish the claimed identity of an entity. Information, passed from one entity to another, used to establish the sending entity’s access rights.
(1) The process, generally employing unique machinereadable names, that enables recognition of users or resources as identical to those previously described to the computer system. (2) The assignment of a name by which an entity can be referenced. The entity may be high level (such as a user) or low level (such as a process or communication channel). Process an information system uses to recognize an entity. The process by which a subject professes an identity and accountability is initiated. The identification process can consist of a user providing a username, a logon ID, a PIN, or a smart card or a process providing a process ID number.

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