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The structure that holds the data that defines or describes a database. The schema is written using a Data Definition Language (DDL).

Similar items:
A set of instructions or commands used to define data for the data dictionary. A data definition language (DDL) is used to describe the structure of a database. The database programming language that allows for the creation and modification of the database’s structure (known as the schema).
A data manipulation language (DML) provides the necessary commands for all database operations, including storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting database records. The database programming language that allows users to interact with the data contained within the schema.
A markup language that defines rules of document formatting and encoding that is both human and machine readable. Designed to enable the use of SGML on the World Wide Web, XML is a regular markup language that defines what you can do (or what you have done) in the way of describing information for a fixed class of documents (like HTML). XML goes beyond this and allows you to define your own customized markup language. It can do this because it is an application profile of SGML. XML is a metalanguage, a language for describing languages.
(1) A person who is in charge of defining and managing the contents of a database. (2) The individual in an organization who is responsible for the daily monitoring and maintenance of the databases. The database administrator’s function is more closely associated with physical database design than the data administrator’s function is.
An identifiable set of data values treated as a unit, an occurrence of a schema in a database, or collection of atomic data items describing a specific object, event, or tuple (e. g. , row of a table).

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