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Inference Engine

A system of computer programs in an expert systems application that uses expert experience as a basis for conclusions. The second major component of an expert system that analyzes information in the knowledge base to arrive at the appropriate decision.

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The term “computer forensics” was coined in 1991 in the first training session held by the International Association of Computer Specialists (IACIS) in Portland, Oregon. Since then, computer forensics has become a popular topic in computer security circles and in the legal community. Like any other forensic science, computer forensics deals with the application of law to a science. In this case, the science involved is computer science and some refer to it as Forensic Computer Science. Computer forensics has also been described as the autopsy of a computer hard disk drive because specialized software tools and techniques are required to analyze the various levels at which computer data is stored after the fact. Computer forensics deals with the preservation, identification, extraction, and documentation of computer evidence. The field is relatively new to the private sector, but it has been the mainstay of technologyrelated investigations and intelligence gathering in law enforcement and military agencies since the mid1980s. Like any other forensic science, computer forensics involves the use of sophisticated technology tools and procedures that must be followed to guarantee the accuracy of the preservation of evidence and the accuracy of results concerning computer evidence processing. Typically, computer forensic tools exist in the form of computer software.
A computer information system that helps executives and managers formulate policies and plans. This support system enables the users to access information and assess the likely consequences of their decisions through scenario projections. An application that analyzes business data and presents it so as to make business decisions easier for users. DSS is considered an informational application more so than an operational application. Often a DSS is employed by knowledge workers (such as help desk or customer support) and by sales services (such as phone operators).
An application that requires special attention to security due to the risk and magnitude of the harm resulting from the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to, or modification of, the information in the application. A breach in a major application might comprise many individual application programs and hardware, software, and telecommunications components. Major applications can be either major software applications or a combination of hardware/software where the only purpose of the system is to support a specific missionrelated function.
A process related to an expert system inference engine that starts with a hypothesis and attempts to confirm that the hypothesis is consistent with information in the knowledge base.
(1) A software specification and production method, based on discrete mathematics, that comprises: a collection of mathematical notations addressing the specification, design, and development processes of software production, resulting in a wellfounded logical inference system in which formal verification proofs and proofs of other properties can be formulated, and a methodological framework within which software can be developed from the specification in a formally verifiable manner. Mathematical argument which verifies that the system satisfies a mathematically described security policy.

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