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Optical character recognition (OCR)

An input method in which handwritten, typewritten, or printed text can be read by photosensitive devices for input to a computer.

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Any technique designed to provide the electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature to demonstrate the origin and integrity of specific data. Digital signatures are an example of electronic signatures. See digital signature.
Physical keying material, such as printed key lists, punched or printed key tapes, or programmable, readonly memories (PROM).
Printed series of key settings for a specific cryptonet. Key lists may be produced in list, pad, or printed tape format.
A technique that maximizes processing speed through the temporary use of highspeed storage devices. Input files are transferred from slower, permanent storage and queued in the highspeed devices to await processing, or output files are queued in highspeed devices to await transfer to slower storage devices.
One of several pattern recognition technologies used by digital imaging systems to interpret handprinted characters.

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