Term Description
Cloud services broker

A third-party entity or company that looks to extend or enhance value to multiple customers of cloud services through relationships with multiple cloud providers

ISO/IEC 27018

ISO/IEC 27018 addresses the privacy aspects of cloud computing for consumers and is the first international set of privacy controls in the cloud.

Cloud carrier

The cloud carrier is distinct in that they provide connectivity and transport services between cloud providers and customers. Brokers and providers provide other services.

The Doctrine of the Proper Law

The Doctrine of the Proper Law determines in which jurisdiction a dispute will be heard when a conflict of law occurs

NIST SP 800-146

NIST 800-146, titled Cloud Computing Synopsis and Recommendations, reprises the NIST-established definition of cloud computing, describes cloud computing benefits and open issues, and provides an overview of major classes of cloud technology

NIST SP 800-145

NIST document 800-145, titled Definition of Cloud Computing, outlines both the cloud computing deployment and service models and their definition.

NIST SP 800-123

NIST 800-123, titled Guided to General Server Security, assists organizations in understanding the fundamental activities performed as part of securing and maintaining the servers that provide services over network communications as a main function.

Bit splitting

Bit splitting is the technique of splitting up and storing encrypted information across different cloud storage services

* One way that criminals hide data across the cloud that makes it extremely difficult for forensics to find and obtain

Management plane

The management plane is the single most significant security difference between traditional infrastructure and cloud computing. This isn't all of the metastructure but is the interface to connect with the metastructure and configure much of the cloud.

The primary purpose of a management plane is to separate administration from production activities so they never cross each other. It is used to control the entire infrastructure.

Cloud sprawl

Cloud sprawl is the uncontrolled proliferation of an organization's cloud instances, services or providers. Cloud sprawl typically occurs when an organization lacks visibility into or control over its cloud computing resources.