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SYN flood attack

A type of DoS attack. A SYN flood attack is waged by not sending the final ACK packet, which breaks the standard three-way handshake used by TCP/IP to initiate communication sessions.

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A set of communications protocols that encompasses media access, packet transport, session communications, file transfer, electronic mail, terminal emulation, remote file access, and network management. TCP/IP provides the basis for the Internet. The structure of TCP/IP is as follows: Process layer clients: FTP, Telnet, SMTP, NFS, DNS; Transport layer service providers: TCP (FTP, Telnet, SMTP), UDP (NFS, DNS); Network layer: IP (TCP, UDP); and Access layer: Ethernet (IP), Token ring (IP).
A piece of a packet. When a router is forwarding an IP packet to a network with a Maximum Transmission Unit smaller than the packet size, it is forced to break up that packet into multiple fragments. These fragments will be reassembled by the IP layer at the destination host. When a network receives a packet larger than its maximum allowable packet size, it breaks it up into two or more fragments. These fragments are each assigned a size (corresponding to the length of the fragment) and an offset (corresponding to the starting location of the fragment).
A type of DoS. A land attack occurs when the attacker sends numerous SYN packets to a victim and the SYN packets have been spoofed to use the same source and destination IP address and port number as the victim’s. This causes the victim to think
Acknowledgement. A packet message used in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to acknowledge receipt of a packetAcknowledgment. A type of message sent to indicate that a block of data arrived at its destination without error. A negative acknowledgment is called a “NAK. ”.
Synchronization packet in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

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